ALIERA HAS AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED TODAY You can still enroll clients in Aliera for a January 15th start all day today until 9 PM PST tonight. COVERED CA FORMALLY ANNOUNCES DEADLINE EXTENSION Covered CA formally has formally announced they are extending the enrollment deadline to this Friday, January 18.The consumer must have “attempted” to find help prior to the deadline and work with a Certified Insurance Agent to “cross the finish line”. Covered CA issued this statement: Covered California’s open enrollment for 2019 coverage ends today, January 15, 2019. Some consumers may face challenges completing enrollment by the deadline and Covered California is committed to helping all consumers cross the enrollment finish line. Covered California is allowing consumers who attempted to enroll by the January 15 deadline, an extra three days to complete enrollment and select their health plan. Between January 16 and midnight on January 18 consumers may seek assistance from Certified Insurance Agents to complete their Open Enrollment application. Agents will have the ability to complete and submit consumer applications during this extended period. Any applications submitted during our Cross the Finish Line efforts will have a February 1, 2019 coverage start date.*